Press phone service: (+47) 45 87 65 00

The press phone is open from 08:00 to 15:45 on weekdays (summer hours from 08:00 to 15:00). Please send a text message if your enquiry is urgent.

Tel.: +47 23 32 10 00
Addess: Akersgata 1, NO-0158 Oslo
Office address: Akersgata 1, 0158 Oslo.

The Child Welfare Tribunal's processing of journalists’ personal data

The Child Welfare Tribunal processes personal data about all journalists who contact us. These personal data include their name and contact information, organisational affiliation and the content of questions and answers exchanged by email and phone. Personal data are stored by case.

A journalist who has been in contact with us in connection with several different cases will appear in several different log entries. Personal data are deleted three years after they were logged.

You have the right to request that your personal data not be processed by the Child Welfare Tribunal. You can specify this when you next contact us or by sending an email. 

The grounds for processing journalists’ personal data are legitimate interests, see GDPR Article 6. The Child Welfare Tribunal needs to process journalists’ personal data in the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.