Log in using the ID-porten login solution for online public services. The first time you log in, you must accept the portal’s user terms and conditions and its privacy policy, and you must fill in your organisation number and bank account number, if this information is not already registered in the system.

Important things to remember

Remember that applications, replies and statements of case need to be OCR processed before being uploaded to the case portal. 

Contact details for lawyers and trainee lawyers

The Child Welfare Tribunal will obtain your details from the Supervisory Council for Legal Practice. You can update your email address, mobile number, bank account number and organisation number under Min profil (‘My profile’) in the case portal. Errors in other fields must be reported to post@tilsynet.no
Lawyers who will not receive payments from the tribunal can enter a fictitious bank account number, for example 00000000000.


We are working to fully digitalise our fee processing. Until this is in place, you can upload the completed fee statement as a document in the case. No other parties will have access to the fee statement.

The case is available in the portal for three months after a decision has been made. Once a case has been decided, you will find it under Mine saker (‘My cases’) by clicking on the Vis avgjorte saker (‘Show decided cases’) button in the top right-hand corner of the page.




In need of advice?

If you have other questions about how to use the portal, please contact the tribunal that is considering the case. You can find contact information for the tribunals here.

General enquiries and suggestions for changes to the portal can be sent to sentralenheten@bvhn.no


System status messages

There are currently no system status messages.

Frequently asked questions

1. Can I submit a document in a case that I do not have access to?

Yes, you can. Enter the correct case number in the case number field for Nytt dokument (‘New document’) and proceed. Case numbers must be entered in the format XXX-2021/000XXX (tribunal abbreviation-year/case number, six digits).

2. Unable to open one or more documents in the portal?

Check that you have allowed pop-up windows in your browser (pop-up blocker). Read more here. 



3. What are OCR processed documents?

Documents that have to be scanned, for example documents that do not exist in digital format, but only in paper form, must be scanned and OCR processed.

For documents to be used in digital cases

In order to be able to use documents in digital cases, scanned documents must be OCR processed. This can be done either by choosing to use OCR when scanning, or by using OCR software to process the scanned document. OCR (optical character recognition) is a special type of software that can recognise letters, numbers and other characters in scanned document and save the content as text instead of as an image. This makes it possible to search the content to some extent, even in a scanned document, and to cut and paste from the document. This is important in order to be able to use the documents in digital case processing. OCR-processing of scanned documents will not yield the same level of recognition as simply saving the document as a PDF when it is produced.

Please note: Italics, special characters, poor contrast, small font sizes etc. can result in more errors in OCR processing. For best results, documents may need to be reviewed and corrected afterwards.

Many modern scanners come with OCR software. Alternatively, you can purchase OCR software or download free software.

Recommended resolution when scanning

The higher the resolution of the scanner, the higher the quality of the document and the lower the error rate when using OCR. If you can choose the scan resolution, we recommend that you select the highest possible resolution for the best possible OCR result. However, if you have many pages of good quality, you may want to save time and storage space by choosing a lower resolution. A high resolution will produce documents with larger file sizes. 

Scanning documents at low resolution will give you a smaller file size:

  • Scan the document in black and white if it contains only text or it is not important to retain any colours in the document. This will reduce the file size of the scanned document. As a rule, the lowest acceptable resolution in black and white is 200 dpi.
  • The recommended resolution in black and white is 300 dpi. The lowest acceptable resolution in colour is 150 dpi.
  • The recommended resolution in colour is 200 dpi. If a document contains images that require high quality, 300 dpi may be used.